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strecha zimnej zahradyGlass or sheet metal or tiles in a winter garden?
The issue of material properties has been mentioned several times – it is not an exception at this point. When dealing with this topic, we very often encounter the issues of safety and light properties.

We must realize that any opaque alternative to the roof of a winter garden always deprives us of light, not only in a winter garden but also in the interior itself - and this is one of the key points in the decision making...When building a winter garden roof with an alternative of tiles or sheet metal, it is necessary to realize that the ceiling part of the roof and the insulation with diffusion foils must not be forgotten... therefore it is quite a usual misconception that a metal or tile roof of a winter garden is cheaper than a glass roof.

In our opinion, the glass roof of a winter garden has more advantages than other alternatives. One of the main reasons consists in the illumination of a winter garden, so the interior of a family house gets plenty of light, not to mention the direct contact with nature in winter or during rainy days through the glass. The safety of the glass itself is ensured by the proposed composition of the insulating glass, which, in case of damage, will ensure its coherence by the safety foil - the glass will only crack (there will be no disintegration). We recommend the glass in the form of at least two-layer insulation glass in combination with safety glass. Glass overheating can be ensured ideally by exterior shielding...